



2015年夏天, Kyle Gavulic was a high schooler exploring career options when he attended two weeklong summer programs hosted by OUWB that would end up being “transformative.如今,Gavulic是一名博士.D.-M.D. 耶鲁医学院的候选人. (罗布·霍尔摄)

日历图标2月. 1, 2024

铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


2015年夏天, Kyle Gavulic was a high schooler exploring career options when he attended two weeklong summer programs hosted by OUWB that would end up being “transformative.”

One was the medical school’s summer pathway program that aims to provide area youth with a taste of what it’s like to study and work in medicine. 另一项研究的重点是医疗保健相关研究.

节目开始前, Gavulic says he was leaning heavily toward becoming a veterinarian and also considering biomedical engineering.



如今,Gavulic是一名博士.D.-M.D. 耶鲁医学院的候选人.

他离他在古德里奇长大的地方很远, Michigan — a small village near Flint — but says he’s never forgotten what those OUWB programs meant to him.

例如,参观OUWB解剖实验室“真的很吸引人”.” He also has “very fond memories” of experiments as well as the research project and presentation that he had to do with others.

他说:“我在OUWB参加了这些项目,它们实际上非常具有变革性。. “我只是没有接触到我们在这些项目中所做的很多事情.”

And that’s just one of many reasons why a medical school like OUWB puts so many resources into reaching area youth, Tonya Bailey说, Ph.D.负责多元化、公平、包容和社区参与的副院长.

“Kyle shows that these types of engagement opportunities and programs really do work,她说。. “它们确实使那些接触到他们可能没有意识到的机会的学习者受益, 并为那些对这些领域感兴趣的人提供一条更清晰的道路.”


OUWB programs for area youth include the Online Spring Enrichment Program and Online Summer Enrichment Program (OSEPs); 就业需求; 医生重返校园; and 与青少年接触.

虽然程序在结构上有所不同, 内容, 和参与者, Bailey says they all have one thing in common: they aim to raise awareness of — and promote excitement about — careers in health care and OUWB.

“这些项目是让学习者与医疗保健领域互动的宝贵途径,她说。. “我相信 that individuals can’t be effective in their career choices until they’re exposed to them…and these programs provide that kind of exposure.”

贝利说,这对参与者有好处, too: they get research experience; time to connect and network with others; and build mentor relationships.

“It also helps build confidence and even resilience for them to persist through very challenging aspects of education,她说。.

另一个重要原因? OUWB正试图帮助解决预计的医护人员短缺问题.

OUWB 教师 co-authored a study called “Addressing Projected Healthcare and STEM Profession Needs Through a Regional Summer Pipeline Program,的文章发表在 STEM教育创新与研究杂志.


它指出,根据劳工统计局, 医疗保健职业是需求量最大的职业, 预计2018年至2028年期间将增长14%. Factors include increased health care needs from an aging population; a large percentage of health care professionals retiring; and effects of anticipated health care reform measures.

进一步, it noted that the Association of American Medical Colleges estimates a nationwide physician shortage of 139,000 by 2033.

离家更近, the Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives projects demand for medical scientists will increase by 3.7%,生物化学家和生物物理学家4%.健康专业教育工作者占1%,占17%.卫生保健从业人员和相关卫生技术职业增加4%.8%

Kyeorda Kemp博士.D.基础医学研究系助理教授,主要作者.

She says it’s important to reach students who are interested in medicine and science at the youngest possible age.

“如果我们能在人们上大学之前找到他们, we can help them become aware of all of the things that are out there and grab their interest early,坎普说。. “然后,我们可以为他们提供资源,帮助他们坚持下去.” 



Varna Taranikanti, m.s.D., 副教授, 基础医学研究系, 参加了2023在线暑期充实计划, 其中包括一天的面对面活动(图片来源:Andrew Dietderich)


通过OUWB多样性 & 包含部门, the OSEPs are held during traditional school breaks and designed for area youth seeking to take advantage of additional learning opportunities.

The OSEPs started as the Future Physicians Summer Enrichment Program — one of the programs Gavulic attended — but became an online/in-person hybrid program because of the COVID-19 pandemic. OUWB官员之所以坚持采用这种结构,是因为得到了参与者的积极反馈.

春季活动在春假期间举行,而夏季活动在6月下旬举行. 参与者无需支付任何费用,但必须提前申请.

Both are structured the same: a theme is established for the week; OUWB 基础医学研究系 教师 create a curriculum; participants log on for the first four days of the week to receive asynchronous study materials; everyone gets together for an in-person event the last day of the week.



在过去的四年里, OUWB's Compass department of community engagement has partnered with 十大菠菜台子 and 奥克兰学校 on the annual 就业需求. 以前被称为医疗保健事业, 更名是为了反映专业的扩展(医疗保健), 信息技术, 建设, 先进制造, 交通机动性, 物流, 和能源).

The event is held for area middle school students from Pontiac, Ferndale, Oak Park, and Avondale. It aims to increase awareness of career opportunities while also giving participants a taste of campus life.

现在在奥克兰中心举行, 学生参加由不同专家介绍的几个会议.

该活动由Gear Up赠款和十大菠菜台子庞蒂亚克倡议资助. 超过300名学生参加了2023年的版本.

泰米棕色, K-12准备主管, 奥克兰学校, 他说,这一切都是为了让学生尽早思考高中以外的问题.

“如果孩子们知道他们高中毕业后想做什么, 我们可以更好地帮助他们为下一步做好准备,她说。. “我们真的希望学生们能找到他们喜欢做的事情,

苏珊娜Celmer-Harter, 西布卢姆菲尔德亨利·福特健康中心的护士, 共同主持了一个关于医疗技术人员的课程.

“当你谈到医疗保健事业时, 许多人认为你要么当医生,要么当护士,她说。. “但还有很多其他机会.”

M3 Maya Jaradi是2023年医生返校活动的OUWB志愿者之一. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)


OUWB首次参加了美国医学协会的 医生重返校园 2022年计划.

Held May 13, the event was attended by 25 youth from Pontiac, all in elementary or middle school. 其他几位社区成员和庞蒂亚克学区的官员也参加了仪式. 社区成员不需要为此付出任何代价.

进一步, 公开商学院社区14名成员(学生), 教师, 管理人员帮助举办了这次活动.

与会者听取了密歇根州杜安·梅兹瓦(Duane Mezwa)的讲话.D., retired Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB; Anthony Stallion, M.D., 外科和儿科教授, OUWB, 儿科外科主任, Beaumont Children’s; and Pierre Morris, M.D.牛津大学临床教育副院长.

种马谈到了年轻的时候, he carried around a toy doctor’s kit pretending to treat family and friends and that the first time he considered a career in medicine was as a seventh grader.

He urged attendees to also consider working in health care and stressed the importance of building what he called “academic muscle” by getting good grades, 总是寻求改进, 并利用机会在医生重返校园等活动中学到更多东西.

“这是一个努力让自己每年都变得更好的过程,”Stallion说. “这不是与你旁边的学生竞争,而是与你自己竞争. 如果你得了B,你能得a吗? 如果你得了A,你能得A+吗? 如果你得了A+,你还能做什么额外的工作?”

Attendees also had the opportunity to visit several stations run by OUWB medical student volunteers who primarily focused on vaping, 对当地的年轻人来说,哪个问题特别严重.

Alvinia Johnson brought three children (one of her own and two cousins) to the event — all between the ages of 12 and 16. 她说,她年轻时就从这些项目中受益, 在她看来,这些在今天甚至更加重要.

“你越是强迫人们参与这类活动, 我相信, 他们的参与就会变得越自然, 他们会开始询问其他的机会,约翰逊说。.


由OUWB Diversity于2023年10月推出 & 包容,周六学院是为高中年龄的青少年.

Each 周六学院 is designed to introduce students to broad and in-depth subject area 内容.

参与者将学习人体解剖学和生理学的各种概念, 物理科学, 全球健康, 生物工程, 医疗保健行业. 其他主题包括大学和医学院招生.

在本学年,仍有课程安排在2月11日. 10日(FAFSA和本科招生)和4月13日(生物工程).


“接触青年”(ROTY)的起源可以追溯到1989年.D.作为韦恩州立大学医学院的一年级学生,他创建了这个项目. 今天, ROTY是一个非营利组织,继续在韦恩州立大学共同举办活动, 以及密歇根州立大学和托莱多大学.

三个现在是三年级的医学院学生Sara Tran, Suhani古普塔, 和南迪塔·卡普尔——在2022年底将该项目带到OUWB. OUWB于11月11日第二次举办了该活动. 18, 2023.

该计划的资金来自OUWB的“护照到医学”计划, 以及OUWB多样性 & 包括(为参与的学生购买白大褂)和ROTY.

活动期间, elementary-age students from Pontiac participate in hands-on experiments based on themes such as “Bacteria is Mean: Keep It Clean with Healthy Hygiene.”


“我们希望孩子们考虑自己的职业生涯, 看到年轻的医科学生正在学习成为医生,她补充道. “These medical students are generally in their 20s…that makes it easier for younger kids to relate and see that a career in medicine isn’t necessarily that far away.”
