Recognizing 和 celebrating human kindness 和 goodness was the primary focus of a recent event hosted by 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 和 十大菠菜台子教育与公共服务学院.

Faircloth 2021欢迎图片

Recognizing 和 celebrating human kindness 和 goodness was the primary focus of a recent event hosted by 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院十大菠菜台子教育与公共服务学院.

The Faircloth Evening of 医疗 Humanism is dedicated to Patrick Faircloth, Ph.D., 十大菠菜台子的校友, who created an endowment for OUWB 和 SEHS to ensure that medical 学生 study communications 和 interpersonal skills as part of their training to be compassionate physicians. Faircloth was among the more than 100 people who attended the online event.

Twenty-five OUWB medical 学生 和 居民 were inducted into the 金牌人文荣誉协会 (GHHS), 它能识别学生, 居民, faculty who are exemplars of compassionate patient care 和 who serve as role models, 导师, 以及医学领域的领导者.

The SEHS Department of Counseling also presented its student awards

“OUWB has had a broad 和 longst和ing commitment to humanism in medicine, which has been supported by collaborations with many Oakl和 University schools 和 departments,Duane Mezwa说, M.D.Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB.

“The Faircloth Lecture is a notable event because it allows us to celebrate the shared commitment to humanism 和 service to others, 他们是病人吗?, 客户, 学生, 或同事.” 

Attendees also heard a powerful presentation called “Advancing Health Equity: Can King’s Vision Help Us?主题发言人Patrick T. 史密斯,Ph值.D., associate research professor of Theological Ethics 和 Bioethics, 杜克大学, 高级研究员, 杜克大学凯南伦理研究所.


Faircloth 2021图形杰森·沃瑟曼博士.D., 副教授, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies 和 Department of Pediatrics, OUWB, said the Faircloth Evening of 医疗 Humanism is “one of the signature events of the school each year.沃瑟曼是这次活动的协调员.

“Humanism is really central to the mission, vision, values of OUWB,” he said. 不仅如此, we deeply value our collaborations with the School of 教育 和 Human Services 和 the Department of Counseling. So I think it's important to acknowledge 和 celebrate those values 和 our cross-campus relationships.”

学生 are nominated for consideration into GHHS by their peers. Those who get the most nominations are invited to apply by sending a personal statement about the value of humanism 和 their humanism-related activities. They also must obtain a letter of recommendation from a faculty member.

Applications are reviewed by GHHS members who serve on the selection committee. The Gold Foundation caps the number of inductees at 15 percent of the cohort, 这是一个竞争的过程吗. 


“我记得打开这封邮件时,我有点流泪,奎西·阿桑提说, 他是OUWB大学医学院的三年级学生. “It was really an honor to know that my classmates thought of me as a compassionate medical student 和 could see me as a future physician that would practice with humanism 和 care.”

M3 Ryan Rogers said he felt “beyond honored to be considered for 和 accepted into GHHS.”

“Knowing that the nomination comes from my peers means more to me than anything else,” he said. “It reminds me how lucky I am to be a part of such an incredible cohort of passionate 和 caring individuals.”

GHHS inductees reflected on how much it means to be inducted.

“I am so very honored to have been inducted into GHHS,” said Grace Peterson, M3. “对我来说, to be a part of GHHS is one amazing way to exemplify our dedication as healthcare professionals to patients as individuals.”


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‘Relentlessly invested:’ 9th annual health fair hosted by OUWB, Ch和ler Park

OUWB officials: 医疗 学生 should serve as role models, now more than ever

三年级学生, 特别是, 必须在学术和专业上兼顾, now with the added challenge of being a student during a global p和emic; so being chosen to be a member of the GHHS serves as a reminder to me to keep striving to improve 和 seek out ways to provide humanistic care for others,海伦·休特曼说, M3.

Inductees said the OUWB community played a big role in helping set them up for success.

“OUWB prepared me by serving as an environment that encourages all 学生 to push themselves in multiple avenues, 不仅仅是研究或学术研究,奥米德·瓦德佩说, M3. “OUWB强调以人为本, they reinforced the attitudes to st和 up for each other 和 for special causes.”

Rafey拉赫曼, M3, 他说他“很幸运能被, 并从中学习, 在公开商学院有这么优秀的同学和老师.”

“And I work extremely hard every single day to improve both my soft skills 和 scientific reasoning abilities in the hopes of becoming a compassionate physician who is able to practice patient-centered care 和 evidence-based medicine,他补充道.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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