Community Engagement

Making good impressions

学生 ambassadors steal the show at OUWB Open House

An image of OUWB students at the open house

M3 Corey Shafer在10月11日举行的OUWB招生开放日的小组讨论中发言. 26, 2023. (Photo by Michele Jasukaitis)

icon of a calendar2月. 1, 2024

icon of a pencilBy Michele Jasukaitis

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Want to make a good first impression? Be a good listener.

That’s what an audience of nearly 300, in-person and virtual, 当一个由七位学生大使组成的小组分享了在十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院接受培训的医生是什么感觉时,他们做了什么.

The OUWB Admissions Open House on Oct. 26, 2023在十大菠菜台子校园的奥克兰中心宴会厅举行,为未来的学生提供了专心倾听并礼貌地向二年级和三年级学生提问的机会. 这也给了他们与学校管理人员共处一室的机会,让他们有更多的机会留下良好的第一印象.

“The students on the panel are so relatable. 他们也有过类似的经历(申请医学院),他们非常擅长做大使,” said Monique Aftimos, coordinator, Admissions. “From them, 未来的学生听说,我们所做的一切都是为了支持学生在医学院的学习之旅.”

小组成员轻松地回答了问题,并诚实地回答了在OUWB做医学院学生的感受. 他们轮流解释时间管理的好处,以及为什么在学习和家庭生活之间建立平衡很重要.

“在时间管理方面有一个良好的开端,确保你有意留出那一天或那一晚, or whatever it is, aside for yourself is really, really critical to avoid burnout,” said Max Troyke, M3.


“每所学校都强调社区,但在OUWB,你真的能感受到这一点,我这么说不仅仅是因为你在一开始就交了很多好朋友, but even before your interview, 在课堂之外,你可以和同龄人一起参与社区活动,” said Frosilda Pushana, M2.

Recognizing an opportunity

To prepare for this event, 招生团队编制了一份广泛的邀请名单,其中包括来自全国各地的申请人, webinar attendees, 以及通过招聘活动和电子邮件询问进行的通信.

“Everything about OUWB is a great fit for me, and at this open house, I wanted to find out more about the curriculum and student services,当被问及为什么亲自来到公开大学校园时,一位与会者说道.

两名未来的学生来自底特律大都会区,因为他们都认识目前的OUWB医学院学生,他们对自己的经历有积极的看法, especially the opportunities to train with Corewell Health residents.


“The students know that they have to stand out. They email us a lot so we see the names a hundred times. 当我们终于见到他们中的一些人时,把他们的名字联系起来真是太好了,” said Allison Foust, interim assistant dean, Admissions.

An image of OUWB students at the open house

OUWB 学生 Ambassadors who participated in the event. From left, Nikhil Aggarwal, Kellan Martin, Corey Shafer, Frosilda Pushani, Matthew Cederman, Dominic Tomasi, and Max Troyke. (Photo by Michele Jasukaitis)

OUWB的演讲者,包括stephen Sharf临时院长Christopher Carpenter, m.s.D., highlighted the school’s goals. Carpenter spoke of OUWB’s values, mission, and vision, 并确定OUWB寻找愿意照顾社区人们的候选人, advance research, and be leaders.

他还借鉴了自己作为20多年内科医生的经验, 当他谈到病人护理和合作的重要性时.

“The world of medicine is nothing but collaboration. 作为一名医生,如果你不合作,你就没有做好你的工作,”卡朋特说. “You’ve got to meet the patients where they’re at, and understand what their perspectives are; what their dealing with in their life. 如果你不考虑这些,你就不能照顾好整个病人.”

下一个, the associate deans responsible for the curriculum, student affairs, and for community engagement addressed: coursework schedules, clinicals at Corewell Health, student wellness, residency preparedness, and OUWB’s commitment to serving the community, and its diversity, 股本, and inclusion initiatives.

最后,公开商学院招生招生管理副院长阿比纳夫·克里希南博士.D., 总结说,通过面试过程,最终的结果是录取那些与OUWB有联系的学生.

“We would love to admit everybody... but it's about connection. It's also about making sure that you are an Admissions fit, and that we are able to align with one another,” he explained.

On the horizon

下一届OUWB开放日将于今年春天举行,专为大学和学院预科健康顾问量身定制. 招生团队的目标是建立和巩固与这些专业人士的联系,这样他们就可以向对医学院感兴趣的本科生推广OUWB.


“We had a really good turnout. 很多人仍然对面对面的活动犹豫不决,但它进行得很顺利. I thought it was a success. I think there’s something to it,” said Aftimos, 主要职责包括参加招聘会推广OUWB.


“我是一个虚拟的与会者,这是我第一次从一开始就感觉非常亲密和真实的虚拟开放日……我知道我在最初向OUWB提交申请时做出了正确的选择,但我更加确信。...” read one note.

Another applicant valued the student panel interaction.

“我真的很感激有机会听到现在医学院学生的经历,了解学校能提供什么. The experience was so thoughtful and incredibly informative.”

For those students who have received offers from OUWB, but have not yet committed, OUWB Second Look days will occur April 11 – 12, 2024. At this time, 学生们将参观威廉博蒙特大学附属医院的科雷威尔健康中心,并了解为什么他们应该选择牛津大学医学院而不是其他医学院.

面试日将持续到2024年3月,从7个以上的面试中抽取,目前已有175份录取通知书向潜在学生发出. Keep track of the application cycle on the Admissions webpage.

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