大多数医学生使用第三方资源来补充临床前学习, 该研究还表明,如果将此类材料“正式纳入”课程,将会“广受欢迎”.   


Pathoma, 粗略的, 问题银行, oh my!

Study by OUWB students finds heavy use of supplemental learning tools

An image of a student talking about a poster

牛津大学医学院的学生Ryan Ko谈到了他在美国医学院协会2022年学生事务小组的海报, 医学职业, Organization of 学生 Representatives National Meeting 在丹佛. (提交的图)



铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


大多数医学生使用第三方资源来补充临床前学习, 根据两名公开大学学生领导的一项研究,该研究还表明,如果“正式整合”到公开大学的课程中,这些材料将“广受欢迎”.   

“利用第三方资源补充临床前教育:单一机构经验”是基于Ryan Ko和Nicholas Ludka研究的海报的标题, 两个立方米.

The research recently was presented at the Association of American Medical Colleges 2022 Group of 学生 Affairs, 医学职业, Organization of 学生 Representatives National Meeting 在丹佛.

研究发现,在接受调查的OUWB学生中,97%的人通过使用第三方资源(如Pathoma)来补充学习, 董事会 & 除了和粗略的. 该研究表明,这些资源“将作为非冗余资源的正式综合补充而广受欢迎”, 内部讲座.”

“很多人都在使用这些(第三方)资源……它们在某种程度上已经成为美国通用的标准化资源.S. medical student,高说。. “我们只是在为学生提供一些最好的资源……学生事务处可以从那里接手。.”

伯克利·布朗博士.D., associate dean, 学生 Affairs, was the sponsor of the study.

整体, 她说,了解学生正在使用哪些补充资源是很有用的.

“洞察力不仅适用于我们这些从事学生支持或学术支持工作的人, 但对我们的一些教员来说,如果课程主任和其他教员了解学生使用的资源, can that be useful for informing how some courses are designed?布朗说。.

Use is ‘notably growing’

有问题的第三方资源通常是作为帮助学生在船上考试中取得更好成绩的辅助工具进行营销的. Ko says that historically, most medical students have used third-party resources on their own, and to supplement material presented by faculty, whom he stressed “have the utmost knowledge of the topic at hand.”

例如,Ko说,在公开商学院教授讲课之前,他可能会观看董事会的视频 & 除了心脏的压力,还有导致心力衰竭或胚胎疾病的原因.

“There might be three to four hours of lectures from our faculty, but I’ll get a really quick glimpse from the third-party resource first,他说.

每个资源都是唯一的. Pathoma, 例如, 一个视频系列讲座(辅以218页的教科书)标榜自己是病理学方面产量最高的资源吗. 在2021年12月的一篇题为“医学训练的磨练让我们成为更好的医生”的文章中,“Shirlene Obuobi, M.D., currently a cardiology fellow, called Pathoma “still one of the best medical resources in existence.”

As part of their research, Ko and Ludka surveyed all current students at OUWB and about half responded. They found “a high prevalence of use of (third-party resources) at OUWB.”

根据回应, OUWB医学生最常用的第三方资源依次为Pathoma, 粗略的, 问题银行, 董事会 & 超越,和急救.

资源被认定为“最有帮助”的科目是药理学, 病理, 和微生物学.

“Many OUWB students have utilized third-party resources…to supplement their learning,海报上写道。. “The use of (third-party resources) is notably growing.”


That’s why, s他说, OUWB uses an endorsement system for third-party resources. With the exception of one of the 问题银行, Ko和Ludka在研究中发现的最受欢迎的资源目前还没有得到认可.

“We prioritize what is going to help the student master the material, not what’s going to be the easiest to get them through a test,她说。.

An image of a group of medical students

OUWB's Ryan Ko (back row, 左二)与学生代表会行政委员会其他成员合照. (提交的图)

Issues with supplemental material


成本是最大的. Accessing just one of the resources can cost hundreds of dollars. 董事会 & 除了, 例如, offers subscriptions ranging from $24 for one week of access to $399 for two years.


Not everyone can afford the extra out-of-pocket expenses, 他说.

“If we formally recognize and support the use of these resources, it would be more equitable for students who come from less-advantaged backgrounds,高说。.


“We are obviously very concerned about equity,布朗说。. “Between 学生 Affairs, 医学教育, and Preclinical Education, we pay for or subsidize the resources that we recommend. Some of the resources that came out in this study are not necessarily things we endorse, so that’s why we don’t pay for them.”

认可的资源还可以帮助学生避免为他们可能不需要的材料支付大量费用,有时甚至是数千美元, 布朗说. 这是因为公开商学院的教职员工团队会对资源进行“里里外外”的评估,以确保资源适合学生.

进一步, 她说,学校每年都会对图书馆资源进行一次彻底的审查,以确保学生能够获得成功所需的一切.


Ko says another problem with the third-party resources can be information overload.

That’s because there can be redundancy amongst various sources. 他说,将第三方资源纳入课程可能对学生有利.

“If we reduce some of the redundancy, they we can focus on learning to an even greater depth,他说.



Ko, 最近当选为AAMC学生代表组织行政委员会成员,并担任全国代表, says the poster was “very positively received” at the conference 在丹佛.

“几名学生和学生事务处的工作人员过来问我有关(这项研究)的问题。,他说. “有几个人正在给它拍照,并计划把数据带回自己的机构.”

Ko says there currently aren’t any specific plans to take the research further, 但他希望它能帮助各地的医学院官员“真正看到他们有多受欢迎”.”

至少, 他说, 这有助于强调医科学生非常足智多谋,能够成功地自主学习.

他说:“(医学院学生)比以往任何时候都能以更多的方式自主学习。. “从国家的角度来看,教师们意识到我们是成人学习者,这几乎是至关重要的. We are more capable of covering this material than you may think, and we want to get into the clinic earlier so we can become better clinicians.”
