
OUWB Commencement 2021 1
OUWB Class of 2021 member Kevin Cervantes, M.D.在周五的毕业典礼上,他和父母一起参加了戴头巾的仪式.

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine今天,在十大菠菜台子校园举行的汽车毕业典礼上,该校2021届毕业生庆祝成为医生.

A total of 116 students graduated, 与家人一起, 朋友, colleagues in a socially distanced and safe celebration.

Similar to a drive-in movie theater, 颁奖典礼在两个大屏幕上进行,与会者通过车内音响收看.

Speakers included Oakland University President Ora Pescovitz, M.D., OUWB Stephan Sharf Dean Duane Mezwa, M.D., Sandra LaBlance, Ph.D., associate dean for Student Affairs.

穆斯塔法·波拉特,m.m.D., spoke on behalf of the graduating class, while Aleah Thompson, M.D., Class of 2018, welcomed the graduates to the OUWB alumni chapter. Keynote speaker 是 humanitarian Najah Bazzy, R.N., Ph.D., CEO and Founder of Zaman International, a nonprofit agency that supports marginalized women and children.  


“It needs physicians like you who will follow their passion, meet challenges with strength and kindness,他接着说. "Believe in yourself. 相信你的OUWB培训,我保证你会有一个长期而充实的职业生涯.”


“Go forth…be strong,” she said. “Confront problems as challenges and challenges as opportunities. . . 要知道,在我们这个地球村,现在比以往任何时候都更需要你们的领导和品格. We are so proud of you. 愿你们永远怀念在这里的日子,永远把OUWB记在心里.”

Click here to see the full ceremony, a graduate slideshow video, a celebratory congratulations and photo montage


“无法用语言来描述你们家人今天的感受,”她说. “这不仅仅是快乐, more than a proud moment…it's a feeling of fulfillment, 感激之情, hope for your future.”

Bazzy, 她是2019年的CNN英雄,通过她在一辆小型货车上创办的非营利组织,帮助了全球200多万个家庭, 是 conferred with an honorary doctorate degree from Oakland University in 2020.


她说:“记住要看着病人的眼睛,看到病人身上的那个人。. “记住,我们每个人都是站在前人的肩膀上的,而你也将成为后人坚强的肩膀.”



Polat, who matched in March at University of Michigan Hospital, 她说,作为2021届毕业生的演讲嘉宾,“是一种难以形容的感觉”.他回忆了在牛津大学医学院求学的无数个方面, from the first day of orientation through Friday’s ceremony.

他说:“为每一次让你走到今天的经历感到自豪。. “Don't forget what and who made you who you are today. 不要忘记你决定走上这条艰难道路的原因,不要忘记你没有放弃的原因. Let that drive you through residency, let that drive you through your long career as a healer, 一个仆人, 一个十大菠菜台子.”


“These are the people who made today possible for us,” he said. “Think about those people. Tell them how much you love and appreciate them, 想想当你进入人生的下一个阶段时,你将如何继承他们的遗产,让他们感到骄傲.”

LaBlance asked students to briefly exit their vehicles so that family, 朋友, loved ones could conduct the ceremonial hooding of the doctors.


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在那之前, 然而, 她承认,在毕业生作为医学生的最后18个月里,COVID-19大流行和其他社会问题尤其存在于每个人的生活中.

“We are proud of you and your accomplishments,” she said. “记住你们在这里与我们一起取得的一切成就,并在你们的一生中随身携带. 不要忘记你的老师和你的病人给你的教训. We are counting on you to change the world.”

仪式结束后, 车辆蜿蜒而行,学生们在这里领取文凭,并有很多机会与公开商学院的教师合影.

学生 shared an overall feeling of tremendous pride and excitement. 


Oska with her parents and sister

"When we started four years ago, 我们的身份证有效期是2021年7月,我们中的很多人最近都在谈论这看起来有多遥远,桑德拉·奥斯卡说, M.D., who matched at Henry Ford Hospital. “想想时间过得有多快,我能亲临现场真是太棒了,...即使在COVID大流行的情况下,至少有一部分是亲自去做的,这是我们都非常兴奋的事情."

Kristin Rybski, m.s.D., who matched at University of Rochester/Strong Memorial, said graduating from OUWB 是 "the best feeling."


Graduate Meredith Allen, M.D., who matched at University of Tennessee Health Science Center, 孟菲斯, said she 是 happy to celebrate with her classmates. 

她说:“我很高兴能见到我们这么久没见的人,一起庆祝。. “对外商学院在确保我们有一些正常的毕业体验方面做得很好,所以我们真的很感激, 太."


“我很高兴完成这项工作,也为我医学生涯的下一步感到兴奋," said Stuart Goates, M.D., a graduate who matched at Penn State Hershey 医疗 Center. "I'm grateful for OUWB getting me here."

戈茨特别感谢他的棱镜计划导师安德鲁·巴诺尼(Andrew Banooni).D.

学生 thanked others who supported them along the way, as well.

"It's a great feeling, especially to be surrounded by, sharing this with, 朋友和家人," said Andrew Ragheb, M.D., who matched at Beaumont Hospital, 皇家橡树. “我们为此工作了四年,一路上遇到了很多障碍,所以最终能够庆祝这一成就是一种非凡的经历." 

奥斯汀·莫里斯,M。.D., a graduate who matched at Beaumont Hospital, 皇家橡树, is getting married in June, shared similar sentiments. 

“对我来说最重要的是,如果没有那些支持我的人,我就不会有今天的成就,莫里斯说。. "As much as this is an opportunity to showcase us as students, it's also about focusing on family and bringing everybody together."

Graduate Raza Qadir, M.D., who is headed to St. 在芝加哥大学医学中心之前,在玛丽仁慈医院转学一年, 总体说, the day 是 bittersweet. 

"For me, it's a lot of nostalgia," he said. “这就像一种结束的感觉,因为这些人是我在过去三年和过去一年里共度时光的人, not being able to see anyone...所以我们终于有最后一次机会在我们继续之前和大家聚在一起. 

"It's truly a mixture of happiness, sadness, excitement...all of those things," he said. 

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 (电子邮件保护)

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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