082922 StudentHealth


Student Health


This information is for enrolled OUWB Medical Students ONLY. If you are not an OUWB student,请致电(248)370-2341与格雷厄姆健康中心联系获取健康保险信息.

所有学生在十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院注册时都必须有健康保险. Your participation in the health insurance plan is mandatory, 除非你能提供类似的团体保险证明(通过你的父母), spouse, etc.). 希望拒绝现有优先健康计划的个人必须提交健康保险证明表格. 不遵守规定可能导致您的注册被取消.

OUWB offers HMO and PPO Priority Health plans to students.  The basic HMO (Core plan) is free to students. 买断式HMO和PPO计划为学生提供了更高更广的保险范围,但要支付额外的费用. To enroll in any plan an enrollment form must be filled out.

Dental and Vision Coverage
OUWB does not offer dental and vision coverage to students. 如果你有兴趣获得个别牙科或视力计划,请浏览以下网站:

Dependent Enrollment


Open Enrollment

Each year during the annual enrollment period, eligible students enroll, dis-enroll, and add or delete dependents from the plan. 重要的是,你要仔细考虑你的选举,因为这些选举的变化通常只能在随后的年度登记期间进行. 如果您经历了合格的生活状态更改,则可以例外.

希望参加OUWB保险计划的学生需要提交一份 enrollment form. 2024-2025学年提交表格的截止日期是2024年8月9日(星期五). 请将填妥的表格交回位于216 O 'Dowd Hall的CMSS的Katy Torma,或传真至 (248) 370-2767 or email ([email protected]).

《十大菠菜软件》以及帮助您选择保险范围的工具可以在网站上找到 OUWB Health Care MedSync page.

Buy Up计划或相关保险的付款将于每学期截止 August 15 and January 15. Payments can be made through the Oakland University Online MarketPlace (link to come soon).

Contact Information

Hylant Customer Service
Direct line: (800) 609-9614
[email protected]

Contact Information

This information is for OUWB Medical Students ONLY.

If you are not an OUWB Student,请致电(248)370-2341与格雷厄姆健康中心联系获取健康保险信息.

PlanCompanyPhone Number/Web Site


Priority Health1 (888) 389-6646
Long Term Disability   Guardian1 (800) 441-6455
Payment, Enrollment, and Eligibility
(For OUWB Medical Students only)

Katy Torma
[email protected]
(248) 370-2767


Hylant Customer Service
(800) 609-9614
[email protected]

Long Term Disability Insurance

OUWB通过Guardian为在校学生提供长期残疾保险.  To learn more about your coverage, please visit the  OUWB Health Care MedSync page.

Graham Health Center & OU Counseling

Graham Health Center

The Graham Health Center is 一个面向奥克兰学生的门诊诊所,包括那些在十大菠菜台子就读的学生. 执业护士和医师助理以预约和预约的方式为病人看病. 这些医生不是公开商学院的教员,必要时可以提供咨询.

格拉汉姆保健中心为疾病和伤害的预防和治疗提供全面的初级保健,重点是促进健康. 格雷厄姆健康中心全年提供许多预防保健服务和项目.  我们鼓励所有学生每年进行一次健康检查,以了解最新的预防保健知识,包括, but not limited to age-appropriate cancer screenings, contraceptive care, HIV/STD screening, cholesterol screening, smoking cessation, alcohol and other substance abuse programs.

The Graham Health Center also offers allergy management, medication, immunizations, and laboratory testing. 所有的健康记录都保存在健康设施现场的安全电子病历中,而不是学生学习记录的一部分. 未经学生的书面同意,格雷厄姆健康中心以外的个人不能收到有关学生记录的信息. 医学院学生被引导到阿森松普罗维登斯罗切斯特(不是OUWB的教学地点),在晚上、周末和假期接受紧急护理. 所有学生必须参加奥克兰健康保险计划或出示类似保险范围的证明. 通过OUWB提供的健康保险计划与格雷厄姆健康中心联网.

Graham Counseling Center

OU Counseling Center - 个人咨询由开放大学咨询中心的专业人员提供, located in the Graham Health Center. Licensed psychologists, counselors, 在医学院没有教学角色的社会工作者提供保密服务. 前四次咨询是免费的,之后的咨询收费20美元. The counseling center provides individual and couples counseling, crisis intervention, consultations, outreach, and a variety of support groups.


List of Immunizations

以下是开始你的医学院生涯所需的免疫接种清单,以及必须记录的测试和/或增强剂的具体要求. Refer to the AAMC Standardized Immunization form for additional information. Please note that 您必须提供医生和/或卫生部门关于所有滴度和免疫接种的文件副本. 

  • 成人破伤风-白喉-百日咳(Tdap) -在过去10年中接种了一剂
  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) - 2 doses or proof of immunity
  • 乙型肝炎疫苗- 3剂和免疫证明与定量滴度
  • 结核筛查(1)IGRA血液试验或(2)PPD皮内结核皮肤试验(TST). 第二次测试必须在第一次测试日期后一周进行.  结核病筛查必须在M1研究开始的日历年内进行. Positive PPD tests must be confirmed with an IGRA blood test.  If positive, 请提交最近的胸部x光报告(本日历年内), a previous chest x-ray report and a TB symptom questionnaire.
  • Varicella vaccine – 2 doses or proof of immunity
  • Childhood immunization record documenting completion of:
    • Primary DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) series
    • Polio series
  • Annual influenza vaccine (flu shot) is required. 
  • COVID-19 vaccine is required.

如果您是现在或未来的OUWB医学院学生,并且对特定测试或免疫有疑问, contact Graham Health Center at (248) 370-2341 or via email at [email protected]