
Student-led campaigns at OUWB aim to help Haiti, Pakistan
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(From left) M2s Mary Drekh, Shahrukh Naseer, 和玛丽莎·斯特拉克(Marisa Stratelak)持有捐赠和/或用捐款购买的物品,这些物品将被送往海地.


For Haiti, OUWB’s Friends of MSF - OUWB的一个学生俱乐部,支持无国界医生组织的工作Médecins Sans Frontières — 与OUWB学生组织全球健康和人权倡导者(AGHHR)合作收集卫生用品. The two-week drive ended Feb. 28.

For Pakistan, DWB正在领导一场筹款活动,其中包括与韦恩州立医学院的同事们举行的在线问答之夜. 筹集的资金将用于帮助在该国建造急需的水井.

Shahrukh Naseer, M2,世界银行国际事务副总裁 Friends of MSF and secretary for AGHHR, 他说,这一切都是通过合作来同情地帮助他人, innovation, and a quest for excellence.

“As medical students, 我们在课程中学到了很多关于与许多不同社区互动的知识, 但真正起作用的是你在学到这些信息后所采取的行动,” says Naseer.

Haiti’s challenges

AGHHR is a relatively new student organization at OUWB. 它的目的是在公开wb社区内培养致力于通过参与服务促进全球健康的领导人, advocacy, and engagement with the international health community.

人权高专办还希望处理保健领域内的人权问题并提高对这些问题的认识, both locally and internationally.

President Marisa Stratelak, M2, 这就是为什么该组织为海地收集物品是有意义的. 作为一名护士,斯特拉克曾多次访问该国,目睹了这种需求.

“Haiti is the poorest country on this hemisphere, 在一个受地震和飓风等自然灾害困扰的地方, and has a lot of political instability right now,” says Stratelak.  

当一个国家遭受像海地8月份那样的灾难时——当时发生了地震——可能会得到大量的支持. However, that initial wave can subside relatively quickly, though the need for help remains, says Stratelak.

“仅仅因为那几周有很多帮助,并不意味着他们现在不需要东西,” she says.

Stratelak worked with representatives of Action Chrétienne pour Combattre la Pauvreté et l’Analphabétisme (ACCOPA) to identify specific items of need: tampons; soap; toothbrushes; toothpaste; towels; hand sanitizer; deodorant; bleach; and more.

Additionally, AGHHR collaborated with DWB on the project. DWB的目标是联合对全球健康感兴趣的学生,并为成员提供他们在各自的医疗事业中蓬勃发展所需的资源. The group has about 30 members.

“我们认为这是一个非常好的主意,并希望支持这项事业,” says Mary Drekh, M2, president of OUWB’s DWB.

Victoria Whiting, M2, vice president of marketing for DWB, 他说,这样的活动是“学生可以参与的简单事情,并对人们产生重大影响。.”

“当我们举办这些活动时,(我们意识到)我们可以在很大程度上改变别人的一天, it’s motivating to do those things,” says Whiting.

Items were collected in OUWB’s Student Lounge. 此外,筹集的资金用于购买额外的商品. Stratelak的汽车后备箱装满了将被送往ACCOPA分发的物品.

“我非常兴奋,因为有很多人需要这些物品,”斯特拉克说. “看到现在收入非常有限的医学院学生真的站起来帮助别人,这真的很酷.”

Water crisis in Pakistan

Friends of MSF该公司通过Paani项目为巴基斯坦的水井筹集资金, a nonprofit based in Ann Arbor.

According to its website, “Paani主要通过建造手泵和深水井来缓解巴基斯坦的水资源短缺,并增加获得清洁水的机会.”

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纳西尔是巴基斯坦人,他说,他在寻求一种解决办法时联系了这家非营利组织 Friends of MSF to help with the current water crisis in Pakistan.

他解释说,通过这种筹款活动筹集到的资金对帮助他人大有帮助. 例如,600美元可以帮助建立一个深井,能够为多达200人提供水. Wells also feature plaques with donor organization names.

到目前为止,通过PAANI x OUWB无国界医生网站已经收到了10到200美元的捐款 here. 该活动将持续约30多天,并将在4月1日斋月开始时结束.

此外,通过2月11日举行的一场晚间筹款活动,筹集了300多美元. 25. Participants paid $3 per person or $13 for a group of five.

Held virtually, 学生和/或教师小组回答有关电视和电影的各种问题, food and beverages, science, logos, and more. After a light-hearted competition with lots of laughs, the winners were a team of M2s called "Full House." They were Naseer, Mohsen Mokhtari, Hashem Mohilldean, Faris Alkhouri, and Prasun Sharma.

参加知识问答之夜的有来自韦恩州立大学医学院DWB分会的学生. Drekh says one of OUWB Friends of MSF’s goals has been to collaborate with others.

Naseer says he hopes the OUWB Friends of MSF continues to hold the fundraiser for Pakistan annually.

“说出自己在一个项目中的角色是一回事,但真正看到它在你面前变成现实,会让你内心深处有一些感触,” he says.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected]

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