An image of military medics in OUWB's Anatomy Lab
Spc. Tiffany Barron, 3rd Battalion, 238th General Support Aviation Regiment, 在牛津大学解剖实验室的指导下,与一名捐赠者合作. 密歇根外科医生约翰·卡尼特拉(John Kanitra)和其他军医在一旁观看.


OUWB M2 and Army 1st Lt. Elizabeth Carlson of the 1171st 医疗公司区域支持在mali Barremkala, M .的帮助下协调了这次活动.D., associate professor, Department of Foundational Medical Studies, and Dan Schlegel, anatomy lab manager. 其他几名OUWB学生作为服务项目的一部分提供了帮助.

Along with Carlson’s unit, 还有来自密歇根陆军国民警卫队密歇根医疗支队的医务人员, and the Army’s 3rd Battalion, 238th General Support Aviation Regiment.

Capt. James Markman, M.D., a Pennsylvania-based surgeon, and Capt. John Kanitra, M.D., 他们都被分配到该单位,他们领导了这次会议,重点是解剖学课程,可能与军事医疗创伤和/或其他紧急情况最相关.

The session was important because, despite extensive training, said Markman, 在被要求采取行动之前,军医通常没有机会与遗体捐赠者合作.

“This is an extremely unique opportunity,” he said. “据我所知,我们是全国唯一一家每年举办(遗体捐献)活动的机构. Everyone else is doing it with synthetic models.”

‘Real-world training’

An image of military medics in OUWB's Anatomy Lab
Markman helped the medics better understand three procedures: intubation; cricothyroidotomy; and tracheostomy.


The current state-of-the-art lab opened in 2013, 并提供人体医学大体解剖学教学, neuroanatomy, microbiology, immunology, pathology, physiology and more.

该实验室还为医学和物理治疗专业的学生提供跨学科的教育空间, 用来给生物学本科生讲授生理学. 此外,还有一个单独的房间用于高级解剖.

It has more than 30 down-draft, 不锈钢桌——每张桌子上都有一位慷慨地将遗体捐赠给医学教育的捐赠者.


Markman and Kanitra primarily instructed the medics on three procedures: intubation; cricothyroidotomy; and tracheostomy. 通过屏幕图像(每个车站都有自己的电脑)和口头指令的结合, 医务人员能够与捐赠者一起练习每一种可能挽救生命的技术.

“医生一般在陆军国民警卫队工作的原因纯粹是因为我们想帮助士兵们变得更好,” said Markman. “We’re positioned in these units to do training.”

“这是一个交叉点,在这些人被要求在现实世界中进行训练之前,我们可以在现实世界中进行训练,” he added.

‘Invaluable training’


For example, 卡尔森说,去年参加该实验室培训的一名医务人员目前正在叙利亚.

她说:“如果发生任何事情……这些医护人员是第一线的人。. “They’re the ones who are on patrol, 有可能看到战斗……他们是决定士兵生死的人.”

More from OUWB


Dan the Man:见见OUWB解剖实验室的经理,以及医学生的“第一批病人”


“这就是训练发挥作用的地方,”她补充说. “他们确实需要比平民方面的普通医务人员了解更多,因为他们不能总是依靠附近的医院, or even quick evacuation times.”

Further, OUWB M2 and U.S. Air Force 2nd Lt. 尼基塔·李(Nikita Lee)说,医务人员从遗体捐献者和模特身上获得了“某些细微差别”.

That’s important, she said, 因为“他们会比我们医学生看到更多的生死场景,因为我们会进入不同的专业, and not necessarily see a lot of trauma.”


Sgt. Isaac Wynn, Michigan Army National Guard Medical Detachment, 称他在OUWB解剖实验室的时间是“宝贵的训练”.”

“I’ve been a medic for 10 years, and I get a lot of exposure that way, 但在这样的实验室里让我有机会在人体上练习一些罕见的干预措施,” he said. “It’s good to keep up on those more perishable skills.”

Spc. Tiffany Barron, 3rd Battalion, 238th General Support Aviation Regiment, 他说和捐赠者合作是第一次.

“It was amazing,” she said. “我们能够做一些我们在培训中学到的程序……当你在人体解剖中看到它时,它是不同的.”

Barremkala说,OUWB认为为医护人员提供通道是其社区外展的一部分. 他说,希望这能帮助医务人员尽可能做好准备,并称赞该团队提出了“一个结构非常良好的课程”.”

Another benefit, he said, 外展活动是否有助于提高公众对OUWB最近推出的遗体捐赠计划的认识.

“我们的实验室是一个漂亮的设施,我们可以更多地利用它与社区, the better,” he said. “This is a win-win situation.”

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected].

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