Professor from OUWB receives national award for excellence in teaching and innovation
Stefanie Attardi在牛津大学解剖学实验室的照片
Attardi explains anatomy to high school students during the Future Physician Summer Enrichment Program.

An 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 professor was recently recognized by the 国际医学教育工作者协会 (IAMSE) with the Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation.

斯蒂芬妮·阿塔尔迪博士.D., 助理教授, 基础医学研究系, 在IAMSE 2023年年会上被正式认可, 在坎昆举行的, 墨西哥, 6月9日- 13日.

阿塔尔迪说:“这太超现实了. “I was in disbelief when I heard the news…I’ve always looked up to the people who have won these. 我非常非常荣幸.”

根据IAMSE的网站, the award “honors an IAMSE member who has made significant innovations to the field in the short time they have focused their careers toward enhancing teaching, 学习, 和评估.” The award is given to an individual who has “less than 10 years of educational scholarship.”

“This is probably the most satisfying thing that happens in my days, to see the faculty meeting with great success in their careers, particularly when they’re of national or even international recognition,道格拉斯·古尔德说, Ph.D.基础医学研究系主任.

“It speaks to our maturation and progress as a medical school that our faculty are getting involved and being recognized by these larger, 更著名的, 竞争激烈的组织,他补充道.

“(People) see that our faculty are amongst the top tier in the country.”

“To be recognized on a national level this early in her career is truly an honor, 但它也给OUWB带来了所有这些认可,Duane Mezwa说, M.D.Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB. “我们非常自豪.”


Attardi was recently recognized by the 国际医学教育工作者协会 (IAMSE) with the Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation.

Attardi said that she was always interested in teaching, even if she “didn’t realize it at the time.” When she was in high school, she taught swimming lessons and loved it.

“I loved 学习 about the curriculum…I loved trying to think of creative ways to make all the students engaged and excited,”她说。. “I loved making lesson plans and I loved writing their report cards, and then seeing them progress.”

“我上大学的时候, I always thought I wanted to be a physician because I loved anatomy so much…I thought that the only way to learn about anatomy was to go to medical school to become a doctor,她补充道。. “I realized the thing that drew me to being a physician wasn’t necessarily patient care…it was more teaching the patients. 就在那时,我改变了方向.”

阿塔尔迪获得了博士学位.D. 西安大略大学临床解剖学博士. 她于2015年开始在OUWB工作. She was drawn to the “unique” organization of the 基础医学研究系, 哪一个把重点放在教育界.

“The 基础医学研究系 has a very unique and special setup,”她说。. “It’s full of people whose life commitment or work is education…. I thought it’d be really cool to be in a department with a whole bunch of different kinds of educators.”

“It’s helping me to better integrate my teaching…I thought I could really excel here in that track and also learn a lot from other educators,她补充道。. “We’re all dedicated to running the curriculum, so it’s a really unique and cool environment. 非常鼓舞人心的.”


她是课程委员会的成员, M1M2小组委员会, 课程评估主席, 对外开放大学教员大会秘书, and chair of the 招生 Recruitment Scholarship Committee.

“她真的很受学生们的喜爱. Her teaching is innovative — it’s organized and she receives tons of really positive comments on her student feedback,古尔德说。. “She’s just an outstanding go-getter faculty member… (the award) is well-deserved.”


展望她的职业生涯, Attardi hopes to take more leadership roles in the school and to “inspire the faculty to think about new innovations and directions.”

Attardi said the COVID-19 pandemic was eye-opening with regard to offering “more flexible options for students.”



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“(The pandemic) really s如何ed me that there’s different ways to do things, 我们有一个多元化的学生团体,”她说。. “我们应该为他们提供更多的参与选择.”

在西安大略大学学习期间, Attardi设计, 实现, and evaluated a fully online anatomy course for her doctoral thesis. She also lectured in an undergraduate histology course and led microscopy laboratory sessions in an online format.

“自从大流行以来, we’ve learned about different ways to run the curriculum and do more of a hybrid curriculum. My plans are to really narrow in on online medical education, specifically try to figure out using data when it is best to use online education, 如何, 以及学生要学的东西,阿塔尔迪说. “没有面对面更好,网上更好. 对我来说,一切都是关于谁,什么,何时,何地,为什么,以及如何.”

整体, Attardi said she’s “extremely grateful” to OUWB for the support, and credits that support for assisting her in achieving her success.

“Working at OUWB specifically helped me to achieve this award. We have an outstanding group that’s in charge of faculty development opportunities,”她说。. “I would have never had these experiences or even had the knowledge and the skills to pursue some of these things without the opportunities at OUWB.”

“I’m extremely grateful for what OUWB does for faculty and what they offer the faculty. 这是一个教育工作者成长的好地方.”

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